Yea.... U made another hot ass rap beat.
Yea.... U made another hot ass rap beat.
Hot Az Hell!!!!!
Dis shit is hot yo... U need 2 finish dis shit yo.
Very Good!!!
Yo... U should start doin hip-hop beats. I was listin 2 your other rap beats and they hot az hell yo.
U crazy haz hell!!!!!!!! I wana rap off dis shit like hell Yo.
you cant....thast the whole point....lol
Not bad
Its iight 4 a piano beat.
yeah thanks, im done with piano, and im not prolly gon send more songs for a while
Dis shit hot!
It sounds like somthin Kanye West would rap 2.
Shit hot yo
Dis 1 of da gretest beats ive hered in a while yo.
Oh And sence we all got some 1 dats gon i just wana say
R.I.P Killah_D
Yea nigga
Yo dis shit tight no doubt.
Thanx man......Some niggas on this site hatin tho.......givin me a zero, i hate those people
They gotta hold me down just so they can rise.......
Not Hop-Hop!!!!
Yo dis is more like techno.
Yea Bra!!!!!!!
Damn yo, dis shit took me by surprise yo. i never thought some 1 could actualy make a beat outa dis.
thanks man......but pleaze vote........beacause some people just vote 0 on waterver they see so anyone who thinks something is hot pease vote....
Im not on NG no more iight. Check me out at www.rocbattle.com/Myspace/and Soundclick iight. ~1~
Age 34, Male
Enloe High
Raleigh NC
Joined on 7/29/05