Shits hot
but i dont see why its me it sounds like a beat where some one id talking about their hood or killin some one they dont like. but thats just me.
Shits hot
but i dont see why its me it sounds like a beat where some one id talking about their hood or killin some one they dont like. but thats just me.
couldent be rapped off of?
Dis shit sounds rappable to me. Dat loop is hot as hell though.
Its good
The only thing that dosent fit is the gunshot (its to loud). And the drums could be a lil louder. Other than that is good. Sounds very dark with the voices.
alright ima fix it thanks.
Woah! :0
Dis is why i make beats. Shit like dis inspires me to make the best beats that i can. lol damn i sound like a fuckin fan boy trying to get your autograph. lol but on some real talk dis shit hot as hell.
Thanx man. I like it when people say that type shit. When eva cats come out with tight beats i say the same thing. Makes me want to better. It's like muthafucka is just daring me to get better. If I put studio shit on herre it'd be an instant kill for haters! They wouldn't even be able to vot it down!
Real muthafuckin talk
U ripped dis shit.
i kno thx
Wad up
Long time no review i guess. :D I just got the internet back. I see you still making dem hot ass beats like always. lol. And why is every one beefing on ng now? Hit me up on aim if you can iight.
You need to finish. :D
This beat is hot no doubt. But its just the intro. Its iight but its too long. Eather way its still a good beat. :D
Hit me up on aim iight.
Shit hot
Ive never really listend to jazz before but this shit is hot. its like a Jazz/Hophop mix. Yea Yea i know crips are comeing back becuz itz gon be 06.
u best no nigga 06 comin slobk year is almost over n thx for dah love tho
~2-11~ iN$ane 7trees "Ganster Crip"
Whad da hell?
Why are you reviewing your own shit 4? :D lol
as for your song it ok in some kind of way. lol. :D
Welcome Back!!!
this shit is hot mayn. this too me bu surprise 4 real yo. I would have never thought to sample a song like that.
Im not on NG no more iight. Check me out at Soundclick iight. ~1~
Age 34, Male
Enloe High
Raleigh NC
Joined on 7/29/05